#5 Rich Luterman (?)
I actually had to look this one up because I legitimately had no idea who the Channel 2 weatherman was. I feel like that's fitting though, because I don't know anybody who actually watches Fox 2 News. Always seemed like the station for poor people somehow. I definitely couldn't have told you that this guy was the guy. He looks like the stock photo that would come up if you searched "forgettable middle-aged white guy". Just zero notable traits to speak of. Here's a video of him saying "shit" on live TV, because he's clearly the bad boy of 11:00 meteorology:
Rich Luterman.
#4 Jim Madaus

The People's Weatherman. The One Man Thrillride. Jim Madaus doesn't need a fancy news team or a big studio. Jim does what he needs to do, and he does it quickly. Dude takes five minutes, tops, and then lets you get back to Two and a Half Men or Big Bang Theory or whatever other garbage CBS has on. Totally unnecessary but completely irreplaceable. I'm just waiting for the day when decides that the commute isn't worth it and starts doing to weather from his garage. On second thought, I'm not entirely convinced that he isn't already doing that. Probably isn't even wearing pants 90% of the time. Just throws on the buttondown and tie and does what he was made to do. Jim Madaus.
#3 Paul Gross

Out of nowhere! I wasn't planning on using any of the JV, C-squad guys, but this guy is just fantastic. Easily one of the top ten creepiest humans that ever lived. That's the face of somebody with an incriminating crawlspace. And that's the picture he has on his profile on the station's website. Not that that would make any difference. He looks like a serial killer in



You can't make this shit up. Best-worst part of the weekend is seeing him slither around on my TV. 100000% chance his coworkers have a mean nickname they call him behind his back.
#2 Dave Rexroth

If I made this list a year ago, Ol' Dave would probably be a soft 4. Kind of boring, doesn't bring a lot to the table. I always thought he was just super vanilla. Then last summer he completely proved me wrong and Jason Pierre-Pauled himself in the eye.

Losing an eye was a total game changer. What's edgier than, "I screwed around with fireworks and accidentally exploded my eye"? HUGE misstep getting the glass eye instead of rocking a patch. Nobody would step to the Channel 7 News Team (I assume they all fight each other like in Anchorman) with big Rexroth coming in hot with cyclops vibes. Still, good on him for coming back, love the hustle.
#1 Chuck Gaidica

The irrefutable king of Detroit weather. This list would have been a lot harder if he hadn't recently decided to become the Brett Favre of the Detroit weather game and come back from retirement (where he was a minister at a mega church or something?) with little explanation. He probably just rolled into the studio one day and got in place on the set without saying a word. Because let's be honest, this is the real Chuck:

And that's not the face of a man who asks permission. Legend.